Today is Bastille Day, a time to celebrate all things French.  Why not grab a baguette, some cheese and a bottle of wine and head off to a park,, sit in the sun with someone you love and enjoy the moment.  To do this is intrinsically French!

It is said that there are so many French cheeses you could have  different one every day of the year.  I tried quite a few while living in France, none better than from Monique owner of  la Fromagerie Polèse in Lyon.  As I walked past her fromagerie, the open door allowed the smell of beautiful cheese to beckon me in.  We visited Monique regularly, her comte that had been aged for 34 months was a firm favourite of mine.  I tried comte every where i went, but found none better than from Monique.

So today, do something French.  Go to lunch at a French restaurant like Montrachet, buy some cheese, try a french wine, see a French movie.

Normally our Photo of the Day is just one photo but on a day such as Bastille Day, we couldn’t go past making our cheese gallery our “photos of the day”.