reyment photo france travel john reymentWell we did it, we lived in Europe throughout 2009 for free!

Today it is a steamy hot typical Brisbane February day.  How different it is to this time last year; then we were in Lyon France, more than two weeks into the experience of a life time.  It was necessary to rug up in all our layers of warm clothes, before we ventured out in freezing temperatures.

One funny memory is our attempt to have a picnic… in the snow.  In such an idyllic setting we quickly found plastic knives, frozen butter and a French baguette don’t work so well so we retreated to the warmth of the car.  Oh well, it was a laugh all the same.

A year ago today, we were shopping in my local market in Lyon for rabbit, a lovely casserole was for dinner.  Beans, mushrooms and mashed potato accompanied the rabbit perfectly!

Tonight, back in Brisbane, we will escape the heat by relaxing on our back deck, rissoles on the BBQ and a couple of yummy salads is the plan.

Read more about how we lived in Europe for free in ABC’s national magazine, “Life Etc”.  Here is the link!