Some couples spend many months planning and organizing their wedding, this time is often necessary to secure the services and locations you want for your wedding day.

The wedding day arrives and all goes to plan, the day is a very special one for you both which you share with selected family and friends. As sure as night follows day though, your wedding day ends and it is but a memory. All the lead up is over, the day was fabulous but how can you relive what was perhaps the most amazing day in your life so far?

Professional wedding photographer Brisbane, Nathan & Alicia

Enter Nathan and Alisha. A gorgeous couple whose wedding at Corpus Christie at Nundah and reception at Victoria Park Golf Club I photographed recently.

Professional wedding photographer Brisbane, Nathan & Alicia

Professional wedding photographer Brisbane, Nathan & Alicia

Professional wedding photographer Brisbane, Nathan & Alicia

Last Friday, they collected their beautiful wedding albums, a two volume set we designed together to tell their wedding story perfectly.

Professional wedding photographer Brisbane, Nathan & Alicia

Professional wedding photographer Brisbane, Nathan & Alicia

One of the best parts of being a professional wedding photographer is seeing a couple’s reaction when viewing their album for the first time.

Professional wedding photographer Brisbane, Victoria Park Golf ClubProfessional wedding photographer Brisbane, Nathan & AliciaProfessional wedding photographer Brisbane, Nathan & Alicia

Congratulations Nathan and Alisha, enjoy your albums, it was an honor to be your chosen wedding photographer and handcraft such beautiful albums for you.